What if I told you that not all

Principals were created equally?

Some have Principal Presence™, while others don’t.
Ready or not, you’re always being ‘measured’ by your board, your team, your parents.

What will it take to succeed as a Principal?

Your Quick ‘Principal Presence(™) Assessment’ (PPA) Personalised Insights

The Principal Presence™ Assessment Measures Your Skills
Against Known Criteria as a Successful School Principal.

Measure your Capabilities in Mastering Better Relationships

Character Dimension –
‘Who’ You Are

1. Authenticity – Your personal gravitas
2. Integrity – Doing what you say you will do
3. Restraint – Knowing when to stop

Substance Dimension –
What You Bring To The World

1. Wisdom – Knowledge of experience
2. Vision – Creating a Future Focus
3. Composure – Staying cool & calm under stress

Style Dimension –
How You Lead Your Team

1. Inclusiveness – Ensuring everyone has a voice
2. Assertiveness – Knowing when to push for the right thing
3. Intentionality – Staying future-focussed

Sam Elam will help you understand what
is critical to succeed in the school environment
with Prinicpal Presence™.

Sam Elam, Director of Media Manoeuvres, has been involved in the media and communications industry for over 20 years.

Sam established Media Manoeuvres in 1997 as a specialist media consultancyin media training and reputation management. She now combines her media and corporate communications skills assisting clients in media skills training as well as media strategy, issues and crisis management.